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來(lái)源:湖北成人高考網(wǎng) 整編:湖北自考網(wǎng) 時(shí)間:2015-03-02 瀏覽:0





  1. 不定冠詞 a/an的用法

  a用于輔音音標(biāo)開(kāi)頭的單詞前(不一定是輔音字母):an用于元音音標(biāo)開(kāi)頭的單詞前(不一定是元音字母) :an old man

  a friend

  an American writer

  a Chinese book——an English book

  注意 以字母h,u,e,y開(kāi)頭的單詞:an hour/honor/honest

  a university——an umbrella-a usual/useful book

  a European

  a young man——a youth

  泛指人、事、物的類別 A.English is a useful language.

  B.A horse is a useful animal.

  C.His telehpone number begins with a " 3".


  There's a man waiting for you at the gate of our school.

  There's a book lying on the floor.


  This kind of Santana car can run 150 kilometers an hour.

  Some students of Senior Three study 12 hours a day.


  a few;
a little;
a lot of;

  a bit of;
a couple of;
a great deal of;

  many a;
all of a sudden;
as a matter of fact;

  in a word;
have a word with sb. have a good time;

  do sb. a favor pay a visit to;
as a rule

  in a day or two;
in a way;
make a living;

  two pills at a time;
take a walk/break/bath/seat;

  have a cold/fever/headache/stomachache


  the 在輔音前發(fā)/ / 在元音前發(fā)/ /


  Here the books you want.

  I saw a film last night. The film was wonderful.

 ?。?)表示世界上獨(dú)一無(wú)二的東西:the sun;
the earth;
the moon

 ?。?)用在序數(shù)詞、形容詞最高級(jí)前面:the first-class;
the third floor;
the longest river

 ?。?)用在江、河、湖、海、山 脈、群 島、海 峽、海 灣、沙 漠、方 位 前 面:

  the Changjiang river;
the West Lake ;
the Great Canal(大運(yùn)河);

  the Taiwan Strait;
on the right/left;
in the north/south

  (4)與某些形 容 詞 連 用表 示 一 類 人,動(dòng) 詞 用 復(fù) 數(shù) 形 式:

  the poor/rich/old/young/sick/old/new/wounded

  The young have to learn from the old.(年輕人要向老年人學(xué)習(xí)。)

  The right and the wrong are the opposites.

  (6)在樂(lè)器的名詞前面:She likes to play the piano/violin/guitar.

 ?。?)在某 些 表 示 時(shí) 間 的 詞 組 中:

  in the morning/afternoon/evening/night(but at noon/night);

  in the daytime;
in the 1870's/1870s

 ?。?)用在姓氏的復(fù)數(shù)前面:The Smiths are sitting at the breakfast table.


  The gunpowder was invented in China 400 year age.

  Alexander Graham Bell invented the telephone in 1876.

  The teacher showed us a telescope and said it was Galileo who invented the telescope.


  the English/Chinese/Japanese/French


  the United States(聯(lián)合國(guó));
the New York Times(紐約時(shí)報(bào));

  the People's Liberation Army(中國(guó)人民解放軍)


  A.These workers are paid by the hour/piece.(計(jì)時(shí)/件取酬)

  B.These eggs are sold by the dozen.(這些雞蛋是論打賣的。)

  但"按重量"應(yīng)說(shuō)by weight

  C.Meat is sold by the kilo(by weight)。


  in the east of

  on the east of

  to the east of/east of

  在山頂 at the top of hill=on top of hill

  Last year he spent hisw holiday on a farm in the country south of Boston.


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