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來源:湖北成人高考網(wǎng) 整編:湖北自考網(wǎng) 時間:2013-05-27 瀏覽:0





One evening my father brought my brother and me to pick up our mother. We arrived at the Eagles Hall and were 1 in the car when my father smelled something. He 2 behind our car and could see smoke 3 from a house, a block behind us. He quickly drove around to the house. The smokc was thick,and we saw 4 when he opened the door and went inside.He came out with a woman and rushed 5 in for her children.He didn't 6 until all the children were out.When the 7 arrived we went back to get Mom.

My father didn’t 8 mention it to Mom.We had to tell her what we had 9 .My lather said that nothing much 10 and not to worry. The next day the story in the 11 said that the people from the house were trying to _12 _ my father to thank him. My father just said that they had more important things to be 13 with. That's my dad and I still remember the many great things he did for others.

Any one of these 14 makes my dad a hero, but he never stops.I've learned from him that being a hero 15 doing whatever you can whenever you can.

1. A. driving B. hiding C. dreaming D. waiting

2. A. stared B. searched C. looked D. checked

3. A. coming B. moving C. flying D. going

4. A. a woman B. fire C. ruins D. some children

5. A. up B. straight C. forward D. back

6. A. stop B. care C. set out D. get in

7. A. friends B. soldiers C. newsmen D. firemen

8. A. even B. ever C. just D. still

9. A. thought B. heard C. learned D. seen

10. A. happened B. changed C. burned D. broke

11. A. town B. street C. paper D. book

12. A. recognize B. please C. report D. find

13. A. angry B. busy C. familiar D. happy

14. A. troubles B. meetings C. events D. accidents

15. A. notices B. means C. promises D. remembers


1.D 2.C 3.A 4.B 5.D

6A 7.D 8.A 9.D 10.A

11.C 12.D 13.B 14.C 15. B


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