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來(lái)源:湖北成人高考網(wǎng) 整編:湖北自考網(wǎng) 時(shí)間:2013-05-24 瀏覽:0





1. --When shall we meet to discuss the project?

--Any time you feel like .

A. that B. this C. it D. one

2. It's hard to track blue whale in that ocean, which has been killed off by commercial whaling and is now listed as endangered species.

A. the; the B. the; 不填 C. a; 不填 D. the ; an

3. Jean could be a very pretty girl, but she no attention to her clothes.

A. pays B. was paying C. paid D. had paid

4. --Guess what? Yesterday I ran into Jessie, one of my old friends. We haven't seen for years.

-- !

A. Sounds great B. Good for you C. So nice D. Once again

5. There is a belief among students in some universities to be a volunteer will help prepare themselves for the future.

A. where B. who C. whether D. that

6. Bill has been working on The Wall Street Journal for eight years and never once late to work.

A. he had come B. he has come C. had he come D. has he come

7. Max could smell the rain coming. And it did. Suddenly the lightning flashed through the clouds, nearly


A. to blind B. blinded C. blinding D. having blinded

8. We had a really bad time about six months ago but now things are .

A. looking up B. coming up C. making up D. turning up

9. Finally they arrived at a place sold cigarettes and other small articles.

A. in which B. which C. from which D. what

10. --Mom, I can't find my new T-shirt.

--Oh, honey, it after you went to see AVATAR. It is still in the dryer.

A. has been washing B. has washed

C. was to be washed D. was washed

11.--I am wondering how to find the newly-built theater.

--Go straight two blocks. You miss it, for it's a white building like a huge castle.

A. can't B. mustn't C. shan't D. needn't

12. A British official has said Britain risks failing to benefit from the economic revolution in China

British students are persuaded to study in China.

A. if B. unless C. even if D. now that

13. --Sorry to hear that you had your leg broken in the final. Is it getting better?

-- No, it's .

A. bad B. worse C. worst D. serious

14. Work starts every day at 7 a.m and goes on until late afternoon a break at midday.

A. by B. with C. for D. after

15. --If I have any trouble designing Swiss Pavilion of EXPO2010, could you help me?

-- .

A. It's a pleasure B. It doesn't matter

C. Not at all D. By all means


1-5 CDACD 6-10 DCABD 11-15 ABBBD


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