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來(lái)源:湖北成人高考網(wǎng) 整編:湖北自考網(wǎng) 時(shí)間:2013-04-14 瀏覽:0






After working long hours On her feet everyday in the operating ,room, Taryn Rose' knew a lot about foot pain. But unlike most of her colleagues(同事),she turned her pain into money: Today she is the boss of Taryn Rose International, a $528 million company that makes nice and comfortable shoes.

At the beginning, Rose realized the only thing that could stop her was fear of ,failure. "I couldhear my friends and family saying, 'Why did you leave a good job?' If I failed, would I be okay facing them? And: t thought, 'So what? I can go back for further study in medicine.' I started to accept that it would be okay to say, 'I failed, but I tried.' Once I was comfortable with that th6fight, the fear came to an end. I realized I feared regret more than failure. And after you turn to the path you choose, there is nothing acceptable but Success"

Now, Rose has no regrets about leaving medicine. "What I'm doing is not all that different from: what I Was doing as a doctor. The goal is the same: to relieve (減輕) pain. A former professor told me: 'You're helping hundreds of thousands of women with your shoes. As a doctor, you would have helped only the few who went to your office. You're having a much greater effect.'

Looking back, Rose admits she caught a couple of lucky breaks. "To me, luck is about being prepared for those opportunities (機(jī)會(huì)) that come knocking. You have to have an open mind, the right skilis and all your senses working 'to see what opportunities present themselves. Luck can open the door, but you still have to walk through it."

1. Before starting:her shoe business, Taryn Rose was a

A. nurse B. worker C. doctor D. boss

2. Rose realized later was the most fearful for her to have or face in her job change.

A. failure B. regret C. family D. colleagues

3. What did her former professor think about Rose and her new job?

A. She doesn't have to meet many people in her office.

B. Her new work is qtiite different from her old job.

C. She can now serve more people than before.

D. Hernew work is much more difficult.

4. Which of thefollowing can best!explain the last sentence in the passage?

A. You have to do what you can afterluck brings you opportunities.

B. You should open the door when opportunities come to you.

C: YOu haveto be prepared for walking through the door.

D. You should open your eyes to see opportunities clearly.


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