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湖北自考網(wǎng) 來源: 時(shí)間:2005-10-23 00:00:00
1、There are many elements constituting(組成) European Culture.

  2、There are two major elements: Greco-Roman element and Judeo-Christian element.

  3、The richness(豐富性) of European Culture was created by Greco-Roman element and Judeo-Christian element.


  1、The 5th century closed with civil war between Athens and Sparta.

  2、The economy of Athens rested on(依賴) an immense(無限的)amount of slave labour.

  3、Olympus mount, Revived in 1896(當(dāng)代奧運(yùn)會(huì))

  4、Ancient Greece(古希臘)‘s epics was created by Homer.

  5、They events of Homer‘s own time. (錯(cuò))

 ?。═hey are not about events of Homer‘s own time, probably in the period 1200-1100 B.C.)

  6、The Homer‘s epics consisted of Iliad and Odyssey.

  7、Agamemnon, Hector, Achilles are in Iliad.

  8、Odysseus and Penelope are in Odyssey.

  9、Odyssey(對(duì)其作品產(chǎn)生影響)—→James Joyoe‘s Ulysses(描述一天的生活)。 In the 20th century.

  10、Drama in Ancient Greece was floured in the 5th century B.C.

  11、三大悲劇大師① Aeschylus

  《Prometheus Bound》—→模仿式作品 Shelly《Prometheus Unbound》


  《Oedipus the King》—→ Freud‘s “the Oedipus complex” (戀母情結(jié)) —→ David Herbert Lawrence’s《Sons and lovers》(勞倫斯)447頁(yè)


  A.《Trojan Women》

  B.He is the first writer of “problem plays”(社會(huì)問題?。?在肖伯納手中達(dá)到高潮,屬于存在主義戲劇的人物

  C.Elizabeth Browning called him “Euripides human”(一個(gè)純粹的人)

  D.Realism can be traced back(追溯到) to the Ancient Greece.

  To be specific(具體來說), Euripides.

  12、The only representative of Greek comedy is Aristophanes. 18頁(yè)

  Aristophanes writes about nature. —→浪漫主義湖畔派(The lakers)華茲華茲(新古典主義代表作家《格列夫游記》《大人國(guó)小人國(guó)》《溫和的提議》用諷刺的寫作手法)

  13、History (Historical writing)史學(xué)創(chuàng)作

  ※ “Father of History” —→ Herodotus —→ war(between Greeks and Persians)

  This war is called Peleponicion wars. 博羅奔泥撒,3


  ※ “The greatest historian that ever lived.” (有史以來最偉大的歷史學(xué)家) —→ Thucydides —→ war (Sparta, Athens and Syracuse)

  14、The Greek historical writing writes mainly about wars.

  15、受希臘文化影響的傳教士St. Paul. Democritus (Materialism)

  16、希臘文化中的哲學(xué)被基督教所吸收17、① Euclid‘s Elements解析幾何

  It was in use in English schools until the early years of the 20th century. (歷史地位)


  His work not only in geometry幾何學(xué),but also in arithmetic算術(shù), machanics機(jī)械, and hydrostatics.流體靜力學(xué)

  選擇:Give me a place to stand, and I will move the world.誰的理論(Archimedes)

  18、Architecture古希臘建筑三大風(fēng)格temple—→Parthenon帕特農(nóng)神廟① The Doric style

  is also called masculine style. (宏偉的)

  but the Doric style is monotonous and unadorned (單調(diào))

  is sturdy (堅(jiān)強(qiáng)的), powerful, severelooking (莊嚴(yán)肅穆) and showing a good sense of proportions and numbers.

 ?、?The Ionic style

  is also called the feminine style. (陰柔的)

  is graceful (優(yōu)雅的) and elegant (優(yōu)美的)。

  The Ionic style often shows a wealth of ornament. (裝飾性)

 ?、?The Corinthian style

  is known for its ornamental luxury. (奢侈)

  19、The famous temples: The Acrpolis at Athens and the Parthenon.

  20、The burning of Corinth in 146 B.C. Marked Roman conquest of Greece.

  21、The melting between Roman Culture and Greek Culture. (羅馬征服希臘的標(biāo)志)

  22、From 146 B.C., Latin was the language of the western half of the Roman Empire.

  Greek that of the eastern half.

  23、Both Latin and Greek belong to Indo-European language.

  24、The Roman writer Horace said “captive Greece took her rude conqueror captive”。

  25、The dividing range(分水嶺) in the Roman history refers to 27 B.C.

  26、The year 27 B.C. Divided the Roman history into two periods: republic and empire.

  27、The idea of Republic can be traced back to Plato‘s republic.

  28、The land area of Roman empire reached its climax in 2 to 3 century.

  29、north: Scotland east: Armenia and Mesopotamia

  30、In the Roman history ,there came two hundred years of peaceful time, which was guaranteed(保證) by the Roman legions(羅馬軍團(tuán))

  31、In the Roman history, there came two hundred years of peaceful time, which was known as Pax Romana.(神圣羅馬帝國(guó))

  32、名解In the Roman history ,there came two hundred years of peaceful time, which was guaranteed(保證) by the Roman legions, it was known as Pax Romana

  33、The Roman Law protected(保護(hù)) the rights of plebeians (平民)。

  34、The important contribution made by the Romans to the European culture was the Roman Law.

  35、After 395,the empire was divided into East (the Byzantine Empire) and West.

  36、Cicero西賽羅he legal and political speeches are models of Latin diction拉丁語(yǔ)用詞

  described as Ciceronian.西賽羅式的

  an enormous influence(巨大影響) on the development of European prose.(散文)

  37、Julius Caesar commentaries批評(píng)論 “I came, I saw, I conquered.”

  38、Virgil Aeneid 阿尼德

  39、The pantheon was built in 27 B.C.

  The world‘s first vast interior space.世界上第一所最大的室內(nèi)場(chǎng)所

  40、The Colosseum(大理石像) it‘s an enormous.露天的環(huán)形影劇院

  41、Sculpture(雕塑) She-wolf(母狼)

  42、The representation form of Greek Democracy is citizen-assembly.古希臘民主的表現(xiàn)形式

  43、The embodiment of Greek democracy is citizen-assembly. 古希臘民主的具體形式


  一、What is the limitation of “Democracy” in ancient Greece?(名解簡(jiǎn)答)

 ?。℉ow do you understand “Democracy” in ancient Greece? What is the difference between “Democracy” in ancient Greece and modern democracy?)


 ?、?Democracy means “exercise of power by the whole people”, but in Greece by “the whole people” the Greeks meant only the adult male citizens.

  ② Women, children, foreigners and slaves were excluded from Democracy.

  二、How did the Greek Culture originate and develop?


 ?、?Probably around 1200 B.C., a war was fought between Greece and troy. This is the war that Homer refers to in his epics.

 ?、?Greek culture reached a high point of development in the 5th century B.C.

  A. The successful repulse of the Persian invasion (入侵) early in the 5th century.

  B. The establishment of democracy.

  C. The flourishing (蒸蒸日上的) of science, philosophy, literature, art and historical writing in Athens.

  ③ The 5th century closed with civil war between Athens and Sparta.

 ?、?In the second half of the 4th century B.C., Greece was conquered by Alexander, king of Macedon. Whenever he went and conquered, whenever Greek culture was found.

 ?、?Melting between Greek culture and Roman culture in 146 B.C., the Romans conquered Greece.

  三、How did the Ancient Greek philosophy develop?


  (1)、Three founders

  1、Pythagoras① All things were numbers.

 ?、?Scientific mathematics.

 ?、?Theory of proportion.比例的理論

  2、Heracleitue① Fire is the primary(主要的) elements of the uni



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