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來(lái)源:湖北成人高考網(wǎng) 整編:湖北自考網(wǎng) 時(shí)間:2015-03-10 瀏覽:0





  1. across(穿過(guò)) My mother lives across the street.

  I came across him yesterday. ( come across偶然遇到 )

  The post office is just across the street.

  2. after(在……之后)

  The girl is named after her mother.

  (name after 以……命名)

  Rewrite the sentences after the model. (模仿,仿照)

  3. against(反對(duì)) What you are doing is against the rule.

  We are against the proposal. (be against 反對(duì))

  Nobody has got anything against you.

  4. along(沿著) They walked along Nanjing Road.

  There is a cinema along the street. I'm getting along well with my classmates.

  5. around(圍繞) We all drew up closely around him.

  The guide showed us around the city.

  (show sb. around 領(lǐng)某人參觀)

  6. at(在……) Let's meet at the station.

  She was at a conference.

  The committee is to meet at the weekend. He joined up at eighteen.(join up 參軍)

  What are you laughing at? (laugh at 嘲笑)

  My mother was surprised at the news.(be surprised at 吃驚) He is good at drawing.

  7. before(在……之前)

  Don't put the cart before the horse. 不要本末倒置。

  Pride comes before a fall. 驕傲就會(huì)摔跤。 Before starting the work, we had a discussion.

  Before long, the war broke out. (break out 爆發(fā))

  I bought the book the day before yesterday.

  8. besides ( 除…之外還 ) There are six students in the classroom besides me.

  Besides fun and good exercise, swimming is a very useful skill.

  9. between(在……之間) Come between ten and eleven o'clock.

  They don't know the difference between wheat and oats.

  (among 用于三者或三者以上) What's the difference between them?

  10. beyond(在……之外)

  The lake is beyond that mountain. Don't go beyond the city boundary. (go beyond 超過(guò))

  It's expensive and beyond our reach.

  The city is beyond recognition. (beyond recognition 面目全非)

  The problem is too difficult. It's beyond me.

  This is inevitable and beyond all doubts. 這是必然的,毫無(wú)疑義的。


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