21. The teacher did not punish for cheating but instead gave me a second chance.
22. Henry did not like his car, that ran badly and often broke down.
23. There was a five-pound note in the pocket of the trousers I had told her to wash it.
24. People can hardly do some fishing there.
25. I visited a place where is surrounded by mountains.
26. I am sure you will find one you like it.
27. It was yesterday when he broke the window.
28. He had lost his glasses without them he couldn’t see.
29. Oliver Twist, the hero of the story, he was an orphan.
30. It starts with choosing a tree from neither a farm or a store.
參考答案:21-25 punish后加me; that-which; 刪除it; some-any; where-which;26-30刪除it; when-that; them-which; 刪除he; neither-either;
