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湖北自考網 來源: 時間:2012-03-05 11:37:26


I. Each of the following incomplete statements is followed by four alternatives. Read each statement and the four alternatives carefully and decide which of the four alternatives best completes the statement.(20 %)
1. Language is ______ in that it is rule governed. (      )
A. arbitrary  B. vocal
C. systematic  D. human
2. In its narrow sense “culture” can be defined as ______ of a population. (      )
A. concepts  B. lifeway
C. behavioural patterns  D. social institutions
3. ______ meaning is communicated when the feelings or attitudes of language users are expressed. (      )
A. Affective  B. Reflected
C. Collocative  D. Conceptual
4. ______ is a ship in which a group of British Puritans sailed to America in 1620. (      )
A. The Revolutionary War  B. Christmas Rose
C. Cowboy  D. The May Flower
5. “He graduated from English Department, Beijing University.” illustrates the fact that English differs from Chinese in ______ .(      )
A. branching sentence pattems  B. paratactic relations
C. word order  D. number and case
6. The word “for” in “it must be snowing, for it is so bright outside.” shows that English is a(n) ______ language. (      )
A. object prominent  B. hypotactic
C. SOV  D. analytic
7. ______ are used to address others to draw their attention. (      )
A. Responses  B. Vocatives
C. Farewells  D. Introductions
8. Which of the following is used when one fails to catch what the speaker has said? (      )
A. Excuse me.  B. I'm sorry.
C. Keep nodding.  D. I beg your pardon.
9. ______ are implied or indirect references. (      )
A. Nonverbal signs  B. Idioms
C. Allusions  D. Phrasal verbs
10. The proverb "God help those who help themselves" is related to ______. (      )
A. Christianity  B. literary works
C. geography  D. navigation
11. ______ is a direct comparison between two or more unlike things, normally introduced by "like" or "as". (      )
A. A metaphor  B. A proverb
C. A simile  D. An idiom
12. “黑面包” can be translated into (      )
A. brown bread  B. dark bread
C. black bread  D. red bread
13. Honorifics are defined by Webster's Ninth New Collegiate Dictionary as a class of grammatical forms used in speaking to or about a social ______. (      )
A. inferior  B. superior
C. equal  D. equivalent
14. In the United States, the black people are often referred to as ______ in which the colour of their skin that caused them troubles and sufferings is NOT mentioned in English euphemisms. (     )
A. niggers  B. negroes
C. the black  D. African Americans
15. John does well in school. Furthermore, he takes an active part in the social work. The logical relationship between the above sentences is ______. (      )
A. additive  B. adversative
C. causal  D. temporal
16. In English letters, the date is put ______. (      )
A. at the top right corner  B. below the receiver's address
C. at the upper left corner  D. above the signature
17. Venus is the Roman god of ______. (      )
A. the departed spirits  B. agriculture
C. beauty and love  D. the sea
18. British English is spoken in ______. (      )
A. Great Britain  B. Australia
C. New Zealand  D. All of the above
19. All the planets in solar system EXCEPT ______ got their names from Greeo-Roman mythology. (      )
A. Earth  B. Mars
C. Jupiter  D. Pluto
20. The word in British English for “電車” is ______. (      )
A. motor car  B. engine
C. tram  D. tube

II. Each of the following incomplete statements is followed by four alternatives. Read each statement and the four alternatives carefully and decide which alternatives can complete the statement. There might be more than one correct answer. (10%)
21. In English culture the general rule is to introduce ______. (      )
A. a young person to an older one  B. a man to a woman
C. an inferior to a superior  D. the host to the guest
22. God, as an interjection, can be used to express ______. (      )
A. satisfaction  B. impatience
C. doubt  D. hesitation
23. English has kinship terms and distinguishes some characteristics in relatives, including ______. (      )
A. blood relationship  B. seniority
C. generation  D. sex
24. An American professor has prepared a letter of recommendation for his student, and his student is expected to say “______”. (      )
A. Thank you very much
B. I feel so sorry that it has taken you so much time
C. I feel so sorry that it has caused you so much trouble
D. I really appreciate your help
25. Which of the following proverbs are related to navigation? (      )
A. Great men are not always wise.
B. An Englishman's house is his castle.
C. Many drops of water will sink the ship.
D. The good seaman is known in bad weather.
26. The red colour is usually associated with ______ in both English speaking countries and China. (      )
A. purity  B. envy
C. celebrations  D. joyful occasions
27. A Chinese shows respect not only to a superior as his interlocutor. He uses honofifics to refer to his superior ______. (      )
A. when his superior is present
B. when his superior is not present
C. when his superior knows he is mentioned
D. when his superior does not know he is mentioned
28. If the sentences in a text are connected by ______ means, we say that they exhibit cohesion. (      )
A. grammatical  B. phonetic
C. lexical  D. meaningless
29. In English-speaking countries, ______ are frequently advertised. (      )
A. medicines  B. domestic service
C. sexual service  D. cigarette
30. Which of the following brand names are named after their designers or manufacturers? (      )
A. Chanel  B. Salem
C. Rolex  D. Ford

III、 Fill in each underlined space with a proper expression. (20%)
31. People now generally agree that language, culture and thought _________, each influencing and shaping the other two.
32. The kinship terms "grandfather", "grandmother", "grandson", "granddaughter" and others show that the distinction between _________ and maternal relatives is often ignored in English.
33. Relative clauses in English are called _________ when modification and word order are discussed.
34. In business English, "in the _________" is equivalent to running a business profitably.
35. Usually the person who answers the telephone ends the conversat



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