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湖北自考網(wǎng) 來源: 時(shí)間:2012-03-05 11:22:44


I. Each of the following incomplete statements is followed by four alternatives. Read each statement and the four alternatives carefully and decide which of the four alternatives best completes the statement. (20%)
1. “A Chauvinist pig” refers to a person who believes that women are ______.(     )
A. prone to tears B. sociable
C. frail D. inferior
2. A hot, freshly cooked sausage sandwiched in a split roll of bread is called ______.(     )
A. hamburger B. sandwich
C. hot dog D. pudding
3. Language is ______.(     )
A. the product of the human brain B. rule governed
C. independent of culture D. the result of social institutions
4. Language is used for communication in that communication is the ____ function of language.(     )
A. primary B. peripheral
C. medium D. personal
5. Which of the following statements is NOT true?(     )
A. English is a language with explicit grammar and Chinese is a language with implicit grammar.
B. Compared with Chinese, English has more grammatical morphemes that are used more frequently in either speech or writing.
C. Chinese has no grammatical morphemes.
D. Grammatical explicitness and consistency are required in English.
6. English is the language which ______.(     )
A. demonstrates more hypotactic relations than Chinese does
B. demonstrates more paratactic relations than Chinese does
C. demonstrates only hypotactic relations
D. only relies on conjunctions for sentence construction
7. ____ can be used as a title for an English woman whose marital status is unknown or is not indicated.(     )
A. Mrs. B. Ms.
C. Miss D. Madam
8. “To kick the bucket” means “to _____ ” (     )
A. die B. work
C. play D. study
9. “Marry in May, repent always.” is related to ______.(     )
A. geography B. Christianity
C. individualism D. Greco-Roman civilization
10. “A Cleopatra” is an allusion from______.(     )
A. mythology B. religion
C. literature D. sports
11. A simile is a direct _____ between two or more unlike things, normally introduced by “l(fā)ike” or “as”.(     )
A. meaning B. comparison
C. link D. way
12. Terms of colours can be used either literally to refer to different colours or metaphorically to convey their ______ meanings.(     )
A. direct B. implied
C. associative D. comparative
13. ______ are pleasant, polite or harmless sounding words or expressions used to mask harsh, rude or infamous truths.(     )
A. Terms of humility B. Honourifics
C. Similes and metaphors D. Euphemisms
14. Honourifics are used to show respect to one’s interlocutors and persons mentioned in conversations, while ______ are used to show the speaker’s modesty.(     )
A. honourifics B. compliments
C. terms of humility D. euphemisms
15. The term “text” refers to any piece of spoken or written language, which expresses a(n) ______ meaning.(     )
A. complete B. incomplete
C. regular D. irregular
16. A: Do you mind my smoking here ?(     )
 B: This is non-smoking area.
 There is ______between the above two sentences.
A. logic B. lexical
C. cohesion D. coherence
17. Which of the following words is a coinage, which is often used in the advertisements or brand names?(     )
A. homely B. package
C. smoothness D. home office
 18. The Chinese meaning of “Mars” is ______ .(     )
A. 水星 B. 金星
C. 火星 D.木星
19. What does punctuality mean to Americans and Englishmen?(     )
A. in time B. on time if not a little before
C. a couple of minutes late D. half an hour late
20. ______ communication is communication without words.(     )
A. Action B. Gestures
C. Verbal D. Nonverbal

II. Each of the following incomplete statements is followed by four alternatives. Read each statement and the four alternatives carefully and decide which alternatives can complete the statement. There might be more than one correct answer. (10%)
21. Affective meaning is communicated when ______ are expressed directly or indirectly in language.(        )
A. communicative values B. attitudes
C. feelings D. referential meanings
22. Many English words refer to the historical aspects of English culture, such as ______. (        )
A. reformation B. lynch
C. cocktail D. scalp
23. Which of the following statements is right?(        )
A. Hypotactic language is unambiguous and paratactic language is ambiguous.
B. Hypotactic language like English relies on conjunctions for sentence construction.
C. Paratactic language like Chinese never relies on conjunctions for sentence construction.
D. Hypotactic and paratactic relations can be found in both English and Chinese.
24. “ ______ ”is an appropriate reply to an expression of gratitude.(        )
A. Don’t mention it B. Don’t say that
C. It’s my pleasure D. It’s my duty
25. ______ is an allusion from a historical event.(        )
A. Newcastle B. Marathon
C. Waterloo D. Paris
26. In English, green is usually associated with ______.(        )
A. jealousy B. lacking experience
C. authoritative permission D. profit
27. In English, we can use such euphemisms as ______ for “die”.(        )
A. “go” B. “depart”
C. “go to a better world” D. “go the way of all flesh”
28. The logical relationships between adjoining sentences can be classified into ______. (        )
A. additive B. adversative
C. causal  D. temporalA. a headline B. a lead
 29. A news report normally consists of ______.(        )

C. a subtitle D. a story
30. Thumbing one’s nose is used to show one’s ______.(     )
A. defiance B. greeting others
C. arousing other’s interest D. contempt

III. Fill in each underlined space with a proper expression. (20%)
31. Language is the carrier and ______ of culture.
32. Each culture develops a particular way of ______ favoured by a particular population.
33. The prefix “super-” and suffices “-logy”, “-ics” are all from______.
34. ______ is used to talk about a person or event that attracts a lot of notice and is the subject of much talk for a short time but is soon forgotten.
35. If the person calling is a stranger and does not tell who he or she is, English speakers normally ask“ ______ ”
36. Which of the following words in the sentence “There are too many facts here for me to digest them all” is a metaphor?______
37. In Engli



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