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當(dāng)前位置:湖北自考網(wǎng) > 2012年1月基礎(chǔ)英語(yǔ)自考試題


湖北自考網(wǎng) 來(lái)源: 時(shí)間:2012-03-01 16:37:02


1. As long as you’ve paid in advance, we won’t ______ you for delivery.
A. spend B. take
C. charge D. cost
2. If this project fails, it will not only ______ our department, but also the whole organization.
A. affect  B. effect
C. affect on   D. influence on
3. You should never ______ anyone about their deal, because they will finally pay for what they have done.
A. argue B. criticize
C. complain D. sympathize
4. You can use this ability to make more ______ choices in your life.
A. beneficiary  B. profit
C. benefit D. beneficial
5. It was a bad year for films, in ______ of both quantity and quality.
A. ways B. means
C. terms D. conditions
6. We all know air is ______ of oxygen and carbon dioxide.
A. made B. included
C. consisted D. composed
7. Papermaking began in China and from there it ______ to North Africa and Europe.
A. sprang B. flowed
C. spread D. carried
8. The little boy escaped by the ______ of his teeth, but his parents died in the fire.
A. peel B. tail
C. skin D. head
9. The soup tastes ______.
A. badly B. good
C. goodly D. well
10. Now he is earning money, and he feels more ______.
A. independent B. independently
C. dependent D. dependently
11. We ______ him to arrive early.
A. suspected B. hoped
C. explained D. promised
12. I get up early ______ catch the first bus to work.
A. in order that B. in order to
C. in order  D. so that
13. ______ means extreme unwillingness to spend money.
A. Opulence B. Prescription
C. Parsimony  D. Prodigality
14. I am not invited to family reunions any more, as I’m considered ______ because of my political convictions.
A. a black sheep B. a wild goose
C. a lame duck D. a dogs body
15. Saying goodbye is as ______ a part of life as saying hello.
A. far B. so
C. many D. much
16. The red color is characteristic ______ rust, the combination of iron and oxygen.
A. of B. by
C. in D. with
17. I held ______ from telling him what I thought of him.
A. at B. back
C. on D. in
18. ______ was not the way the story happened.
A. What reported B. What reported the internet
C. What the internet reported  D. The internet reported
19. I had eaten all her chocolates ______ she came back from the concert.
A. by the time  B. at the time
C. for the time being  D. after
20. He asked me ______ stay.
A. how long time was I going to  B. how long was I going to
C. how long time I was going to  D. how long I was going to
21. ______ beautiful flowers!
A. What a  B. So
C. What D. How
22. Scientists have more to do than to allow their imaginations to wander ______ large.
A. in  B. by
C. with D. at
23. The prisoner ______ by this way, for there his footprints were found.
A. needn’t have escaped B. must have escaped
C. should have escaped D. might have escaped
24. My elder brother asks me to buy ______ newspaper for him.
A. a  B. a piece of
C. an item of  D. some
25. It is no use ______ about your past mistakes.
A. to regret  B. to have regretting
C. to have regretted  D. regretting
26. ______ you come, you will find him busy with his study.
A. However B. Whenever
C. Wherever D. Whatever
27. ______ passed than another hit the city.
A. No sooner had one typhoon B. No sooner one typhoon had
C. Hardly had one typhoon D. Hardly one typhoon had
28. Marriage is alliance of two people, one ______ never remembers birthday and the other never forgets them.
A. of who B. of whom
C. of which D. of them
29. If you ______ hard before, you would be a college student now.
A. study  B. were studying
C. studied   D. had studied
30. The peaceful use of atomic energy will do ______ to human beings.
A. good  B. well
C. nicely  D. better

二、改錯(cuò) (本大題共10小題,每小題1分,共10分)
31. As far as marketing is concerning, I think the best thing to do at present is to have a meeting
A                  B                               C
with the Sales Manager and his advertising people.
32. The tasks related to reform, development and stability for 2006, the first year in the Eleventh
A                           B
Five-Years Plan, are huge.
C            D
33. It wasn’t my idea to change the brand name in the first place. It was her.
A               B               C                   D
34. After the message is sent, the computer then finds the information about the product and sends
A                              B
it instant back to the terminal at the checkout counter.
C                             D
35. After about 30 minutes, the train entered into a dark tunnel under the city streets, and shortly
A                             B                                       C
afterwards it stopped at the railway station.
36. On general, the author says we should try to appear friendly and self-confident, since “People
A                                       B           C
like people who like themselves.”
37. This is the worst weather which I’ve experienced in Shanghai.
A          B          C &nb



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