國(guó)家工信部網(wǎng)站備案實(shí)名:湖北自考網(wǎng) 為考生提供湖北自考信息服務(wù),僅供學(xué)習(xí)交流使用,官方信息以湖北教育考試院為準(zhǔn)。
湖北自考在線 湖北學(xué)位英語(yǔ)培訓(xùn)班 湖北成人高考報(bào)名 湖北自考視頻免費(fèi)領(lǐng)取


湖北自考網(wǎng) 來(lái)源: 時(shí)間:2005-10-21 00:00:00

Part One: Questions 1-20
Directions: There are 20 sentences in this part. For each sentence there are four choices marked A, B, C and D. Choose the ONE that best completes the sentence. (在下列各題中選擇一個(gè)最佳答案填空。)  20%
1.China may become             industrial power by 2050 if its economy keeps growing at
such a rate.【     】
A. the                             B. a
C.∕                  D. an
2.Being closely connected with reliable wholesalers here,              do considerable import business with you.【     】
A. we are possible to                 B. it is possible for us to
C. we are able to                    D. there is the possibility for us to
3.We are indebted to your Branch in Shanghai,              we learnt that you are a leading importer of electronic goods in your locality.【     】
A. from whom                      B. from whoever
C. from who                        D. from that
4.              the rich resources of crude oil in your country, we hope we can establish long term business relations with you.【     】
A. Interesting to                     B. Interested in
C. Interested to                     D. Interesting in
5.I think the firm’s difficulties are             bad management and overtrading.【     】
A. since                          B. as a result of
C. because                         D. due to
6.Memos             routine matters.【     】
A. are used to handling               B. are used to handle
C. used to handle                    D. used to handling
7.Please send us a quotation             the regular supply  your refrigerators.【     】
A. of…for                         B. for…with
C. with…for                       D. for…of
8.The letterheads vary considerably in style,              they all give similar information.【     】
A. or                             B. therefore  
C. but                             D. otherwise
9.Please make us a firm offer,              the best possible shipment.【     】
A. indicating                       B. which indicate 
C. to indicate                       D. being indicated
10.We would appreciate              us a bid for the construction project.【     】
A. you send                        B. your sending  
C. you to send                      D. of your sending
11.We would like to know              you can guarantee delivery within one month after receipt of order.【     】
A. and                            B. if     
C. then                            D. which
12.Of all the books mentioned in the booklist none             available recently.【     】
A. is                              B. has been  
C. are                             D. have
13.Please be             to send us the within the       next week.【     】
A. good enough…amount due          B. enough good…due amount
C. good enough…due amount          D. enough good…amount due
14.As your complaint does not             the result of our own test, we hope you can conduct another examination to show if there is any ground for claim.【     】
A. agree to                         B. agree with
C. agree                           D. agree on
15.Quotations and catalogues will be sent to you immediately             your specific inquiry.【     】
A. when receiving                    B. receiving
C. upon receipt of      



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